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manojsai1's github profile

Cryptospy is a website that allows users to search for information about various cryptocurrencies in real-time.


BhartiNagpure's github profile

In this project , I use qoutable api to fetch the daily random qoutes with their author name.

Magic Quadrant

ozanbatuhankurucu's github profile

Magic Quadrant is a scatter chart develop by Gartner to visualize major players in a specific market.

Gpt-3 X Web Clipper Chrome extension

abhrajitray77's github profile

reactjs Chrome Extension with GPT-3 integration and Webpage text clipping


vk20july's github profile

Legendary Nokia Snake Game which would take you back to the good old days.


AbhishekPSingh07's github profile

Building anime recommendation system based only on user viewing history, Genre and other features

Airbnb Clone

Prajwal0225's github profile

Airbnb clone with add accommodation and booking system


PatilHarshh's github profile

This is the Frontend project, Business website , House renting Website

Social Utopia

urz-ahmed's github profile

Immerse yourself in a captivating digital realm where creativity flourishes, as a responsive Front End Website built with reactjs and firebase invites users to effortlessly contribute, connect, and engage through content sharing, interactive ratings, and insightful discussions.

Music Player

vaibhav-xt's github profile

Music Player